Charisma Blue
This amazing shade of cobalt from bottles of the most expensive alcoholic beverages is further enhanced with warm earth tones to create a charismatic effect. This will be the focal point of any room.
Glass source
Beer and wine bottles
Skyy® Vodka and 1664 beer bottles
Residential indoor and outdoor usage, heat and UV resistant, available in all Vetrazzo colors.Product Focus Residential | Indoor & Outdoor
Size 9’ X 5’
Thickness 3 CM
Composition Recycled Glass & Cement
Care Heat & UV Resistant
Charisma Blue
Charisma Blue with Patina
Residential indoor and outdoor usage, heat and UV resistant, available in all Vetrazzo colors. Product FocusResidential | Indoor & Outdoor
Size9’ X 5’
Thickness3 CM
CompositionRecycled Glass & Cement
CareHeat & UV Resistant